国际海运散货拼箱: 主要经营中国珠江三角洲地区至世界各地的海运散货拼柜,主要港口都可以做到门服务,费用可以做到付,广州可以做到上门提货、快捷安全、方便、简易、廉价。

拖车报关:在国际海运中,公司可提供24小时上门提货、异地提货、集装箱拖车、装卸、打包、分拣、免费大型仓库服务。可为客户提供单证、报关、报检、代办货物运输保险、CO、FORM A、熏蒸、大使馆签证、电子货物跟踪单、目的港协助清关、派送、国际货运咨询、大型工厂贸易公司国际货运策划等专业的服务。 Expeditors, a Fortune 500 company, is a leader in this growth sector, sets the standard for excellence in this growth sector, and we have opportunities for motivated team players who are looking for a dynamic and rewarding place to work. Expeditors specializes in freight management in 250 offices on six continents around the world. Our culture of organic growth, promotion from within, combined with a strong management team and unique compensation structure, continuously attracts the highest caliber employees. If you want to learn ways to compete in this rapidly changing international marketplace, join Expeditors today. Beijing Kang Jie Kong International Cargo Agent Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of Expeditors in China,has immediate openings in its Guangzhou office
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