With the national license of freight forwarding and transportation enterprise for sea freight import and export freight issued by National Foreign Trade and Economics Ministry , not only encinal acted as freight agent of various exporters nearby Shanghai Port,but also as
booking agent for most of the shipping lines operation in Shanghai Port. The business scopes are as follows:

Booking coordinating balance and communicating between shipping company,port authority and shipper.
Container stuffing,empty equipment pick-up,container lease,store and survey application.
Agent service for export declaration (Customs clearance, applica tion for national quality,quarantine and animal and plant products survey)
Apply for issuance of carrier B/L, HB/L and other relevant shipping documents. Accounting settlement for both Ocean Freight and local charges.
Providing export sea freight tariff, cargo movement information and other related shipping consultation service.  本公司业务范围涉及海运、空运、快件进出口货物运输的国际代理,包括揽货,集卡,订舱,储运,中转,报验,出口报关,进口清关,集装箱装、拆业务,在各港区、海关均有经验丰富的专门人员负责各项具体工作,能帮助客户解决各种疑难问题。公司现由销售部,仓储运输部,报关部,单证部,进口操作部,出口操作部,进口客服部,出口客服部,空运部,财务部等多个专业部门组成。在宁波、扬州、南京、泰州设有分公司和办事处,采用计算机远程系统与上海同步操作。

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