公司自成立以来,在全体员工的努力下,积极拓展、不断创新,经过多年的高速发展,自主经营及代理的国际快递、空运业务遍及全球二百多个国家和地区。雅仕国际汇集了一大批国内优秀的快递物流领域精英,从创建伊始便以“国际化的视野,本土化的策略”实行现代化的企业运营机制。从严格的操作流程控制到不断优化的软件结算及客户服务系统应用;从“专业、安全、高效、经济”的经营监管理念到“点面联网、资源整合”的全球化战略布局;从两岸三地快递直航自主品牌到组建综合性的国际物流公司;从200%的年业务增长率到成为国内最大的台海两岸直航国际快递公司,雅仕国际根据中国市场的实际情况,以客户的需求为导向,不断完善和创新,始终没有停止过前进的步伐。TRANSPORTATION、FIEGE、SENATOR INTERNATIONAL
、IFL INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT. UML has strong local customs broker, trailers, commodity Inspection Company and other supporting suppliers, and invest to build e-commerce platform. Customers can book space online,track cargo timely,get the the policy of freight industry. We have branch office in Xiamen, Ningbo, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Qingdao, provides various services for our customers.

With stable customer base, standardized operation modes, strong supply chain, we cooperated with shipping lines and airlines closely and enable the continuously improve our market share.

Adhering to "customer first,good faith",we provide more high quality comprehensive logistics service. We hope to realize a win-win tomorrowe with you sincerely!
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